Are you ok ?
Performance filmée, vidéo, son, couleur, 35’, 18 juillet 2015, Séoul, Corée du sud
Costume en soie porté durant la performance et portant traditionnel coréen, acrylique, corde, 101,5 x 79cm
Vue de l’exposition The Big Scene : seven sights 일곱개의 장면들 - 24 juillet/12 août 2015, Goyang residency, MMCA, Goyang-si, Corée du sud.
Soongsil Checkpoint,
Impression numérique, série Checkpoints, photographies de miroirs à l’entrée des métros de Séoul, 21 x 29,7cm, 2015
Impression numérique, logiciel de simulation 3D de chirurgie esthétique Crisalix, 50 x 50cm, 2015
Fake consultation,
Impressions numériques, 21 x 29,7cm, 2015
Korean giant mirros,
Impression numérique, 21 x 29,7cm, 2015
Mecanical braid,
Sculpture, coudes en acier, 10 x 100 x 5cm, 2015
Picture shot in Soul metal market
Miroir à main, casting, laiton, 5 x 7,5 x 6cm, 2015
Memory objects - In between before and after Chin surgery - Lee Eun Bee,
Collar broochl, casting, laiton, 3 x 4x 2cm, 2015
Memory objects,
Sculptures, casting, laiton, various dimensions, 2015 - ongoing
What happens during the surgery ? Which volume is being gained or removed?
Usually, we have a abstract idea of plastic surgery, seeing only images of before and after the operation.
This objects are casted in the space left by the moulds of the face of the patient -made before and after the surgery - when they are being fitted together.
By materializing this volume removed or gained during the surgery, we can have a concrete, palpable idea of the transformation.
They look like memory objects of the past. As a necklace, their owner can wear them like a recollection object.Project in collaboration with NJH clinic Seoul and the Dr Jonghoon Noh.
Metro make up,
Vidéo, son, couleurs, 36’’, diffusion en boucle
Installation, masque de mesure en plexiglas provenant du Dr Suh Man Koon de la clinique JW plastic sugery, 22,6 x 15 x 4cm, miroir, 30 x 42cm, 2015
vue de l’exposition The Big Scene : seven sights 일곱개의 장면들 - 24 juillet/12 août 2015, Goyang residency, MMCA, Goyang-si, Corée du sud
crédit photo : Thomas Koester